WHERE: One22, Sydney
WHEN: Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear Friends, Punters & Music Lovers alike,
It is a sad tale we must recount today, but where there is darkness there is light, and the sadness of this story is tinged with hope; hope that you, dear reader, can ignite.
It was a grave misfortune when one John Joseph Frederick Dean Dixon Jr stepped out of a cab one night unaware of the contents left behind, a misfortune that has proven to be a cruel and devastating loss. To his benefit four fellow vinyl Dj’s and friends come together for one night to replenish and help restore Dean’s loss - namely one black record bag containing sixty rare, signed and collectable vinyls, and one set of headphones.
We ask that you join us down at One22 Nightclub on the Friday 12th October to help restore not only a poor man’s faith, but also the faith in vinyl Dj’s worldwide; the faith that we will continue to peruse our love and will to play 12” records for the donation door entry price of $10.
All proceeds will go to John Joseph Frederick Dean Dixon Jr directly, who will most likely be in the same state as he was in when he lost his records in the first place.
From all at the Recovery Fund,
Eric, Dave, Dave, Magda & Simon.
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